Alderbrook Nursery & Primary School


Admission to Nursery:

We offer full time and part time nursery places.  Part time nursery places are for 3 hours Monday to Friday every morning. 

Application forms for Nursery places are available to download here or from the school office.

The deadline for applications to Alderbrook Nursery for September 2025 entry is Thursday 6th February 2025. 

For full details of admissions to our nursery please refer to the Wandsworth Local Authority Website.

If you have any queries with regards to admissions please do not hesitate to contact Jacqui in the office (020 86734913)

Admission to Reception:

Applications for a Reception place must be made directly to your local borough. If you are a Wandsworth resident then you may apply online at  All applications must be received by your local borough by 15th January 2025.

For full details of admissions to Reception at Alderbrook School please refer to the booklet “Choose a Wandsworth Primary School"

If you have any queries with regards to admissions please do not hesitate to contact Jacqui in the office (020 8673 4913)

Starting School in the Early Years

We want your children’s first experience of school to be a successful and happy one and we rely on your help in settling your child in. Before the end of the Summer term, you and your child will be invited to a series of induction events. These are a chance for you to familiarise yourself with the school, ask questions and begin to settle in. As well as finding out about the curriculum and the environment in which your child will be learning, you will be able to meet other new families and begin to build a support network to help you feel part of our school community.

We understand that starting school can be very daunting for all involved so we will take some time to get to know you and your child and alleviate any concerns you may have through offers such as home visits.  This also enables the staff to ensure that suitable, engaging activities are available on their first day at school and the children are more familiar with their new environment.

In-Year admissions

Choosing a Primary School is a big decision, whatever the age of your child. If you are moving into the area then please feel free to contact us to make a visit to see the school and ask questions.

If you wish to apply for a place in the school, applications must be made directly with Wandsworth Council and can be done via their website. Parents and carers should contact the Pupil Services (020 8871 7316) section to find out the availability of a place in the school and to obtain an application form and details of the procedure. Alternatively you can e-mail

If you have any queries with regards to admissions please do not hesitate to contact Jacqui in the office (020 8673 4913)