We are so proud to have achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark Gilt
Science Curriculum Intent Statement
At Alderbrook, children are encouraged to ask questions about the world around them and consider how these could be answered. Our curriculum has been designed by teachers to ensure that it is progressive, meets the demands of the curriculum and allows children to make connections in their learning. This is achieved by building on pupil’s previous learning and advancing the knowledge, skills and vocabulary within each year group. Children are provided with opportunities throughout the school which inspire curiosity and chances to explore and investigate, independently and collaboratively. This is achieved through lessons, enrichments opportunities and Alderbrook’s ‘Big Questions’. Pupils are taught to work scientifically to find the answers that they seek, including: researching, observing over time and finding patterns. At Alderbrook, we ensure that science learning is accessible for all pupils and that they are provided with further inspiring learning opportunities such as trips and visitors. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, which aims to inspire all of our pupils that they can one day pursue a career in science.
All science teaching follows the National Curriculum and these objectives are taught through topics which are mapped out across the school. The progression of when these topics are taught can be seen in the table below, in which learning of knowledge and skills are planned for through interesting and meaningful activities – examples of these can be found in the document linked below. During each lesson, children are encouraged to think scientifically, including planning fair tests to answer questions, making predictions, observing, measuring, recording results or forming a conclusion. These Working Scientifically skills are planned for following the progression across Key Stages, outlined in the document linked below.
Whole School Long Term Plan for Science
Science Knowledge and Skills Progression across the School
Working Scientifically Outcomes
In addition, we hold an annual Science Week where one aspect of topical science is celebrated throughout the school. This involves a variety of activities and challenges for every year group, with visiting professionals, parents and outside companies providing fun learning opportunities. Previous themes include Space, Our Planet or Our Plastic and The Brain.